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What's New in FoxWallet 3.4.6 Update

· 2 min read

We are pleased to announce the release of FoxWallet 3.4.6 update. Please find below the details of this update.

Iron Fish UTXO Consolidator

Iron Fish utilizes the UTXO model, and when a transaction involves too many UTXOs, it takes a long time to request the UTXO list from the backend. Additionally, the signing time for transfers also increases.

To address this issue, we have introduced the UTXO Merger tool, which allows you to merge multiple small UTXOs into a single large UTXO.

Show Scam Warning on Transaction Details Page

Many fraudsters send phishing airdrops to potential targets, leading users to visit their phishing websites. In this update, we have implemented a risk check on the transaction details page. When a risk is detected, FoxWallet will provide a prominent warning.

If you encounter such a risk warning, please refrain from visiting their website or adding their tokens.

New Network Taiko Alpha-3 Testnet

The Taiko Alpha-3 Testnet was officially launched on June 7th. This testnet is a crucial step towards decentralized, Ethereum-equivalent ZK-EVM, and it plays a significant role in testing most network designs and components.

You can find "Taiko Alpha-3 Testnet" under "Me" -> "Manage Networks" and select it to add.

WalletConnect V2

WalletConnect V1 has been officially deprecated as of June 28th. In this update, we have upgraded WalletConnect to V2, providing users with an improved experience.

Bug Fixes and Experience Improvements

  • Added BRL as a fiat currency.
  • Added a shortcut entry for managing networks.
  • Optimized information loading animation.
  • Added support for clicking the title bar on the information page to return to the top.
  • Fixed domain resolution issue with .dot domains.