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Watch, Read, and Mint on Taiko (Alpha-5 Jólnir)
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- Open the event page on your PC: https://galxe.com/taiko/campaign/GCbVDUcmth
- Click the "Connect Wallet" button in the upper right corner of the page
- Select "WalletConnect" as the connection option
- Open FoxWallet and click the scan icon in the upper-right corner.
- Scan the QR code to connect to FoxWallet
Become a Taiko Discord member
Click Have the Human role in Taiko Discord Human Discord Server
- Go to Taiko Discord page: https://discord.gg/taikoxyz
- Click Accept Invite
- Go back the Galxe and click Claim 20 Points
Become a Taiko Twitter follower
- Click Follow @taikoxyz on Twitter link,Follow@taikoxyz
- Click Follow
- Click Retweet the Tweet and Click Repost
- Click Like @taikoxyz Tweet and Click Like
- Go back to the Galxe and clickClaim 20 Points
Watch "A Concise Dive Into Taiko" & subscribe to the Taiko YouTube channel
- Click Watch Youtube : A Concise Dive Into Taiko ZK-Rollup
- Watch vedio
- Go back to the Galxe and clickClaim 1 box
Quiz: A Concise Dive into Taiko questions
Question 1: What happens if the assigned prover fails to prove the block within the specified time window?
C. The block becomes open for competition
Question 2: What tokens can be used as the prover fee that a proposer pays to a prover for successfully proving a block?
B. Any token or off-chain payment
Question 3: What is the purpose of developing multi-ZK proofs
C. To enhance the trustworthiness of ZK proofs
Question 4: What happens to the prover's bond if they fail to prove the block within the time window?
D. The bond is partially burned and partially given to backup provers
Question 5: In a Sovereign rollup, what consensus is achieved among Layer 2 nodes after each block?
C. Consensus about the state of Layer 2
点击Cliam 30 Points
Read the"Cross-chain communication exploration" blogpost & subscribe to Mirror
- Click Visit the Cross-chain communication exploration blog post
- When Risk Warning appear,click Continue to Access
- Veiw page
- Go back to the Galxe and verify
Quiz: Cross-chain communication exploration questions
Question 1: The article primarily explores crosschain messaging from the viewpoint of:
C. Rollups
Question 2: Why might zk-SNARKs be used in the context of Ethereum-style storage proofs?
B. To provide compression and make the proof smaller and cheaper to verify
Question 3: One of the possible approaches to direct state reading involves:
B.Exposing a precompile contract that can directly call a smart contract on the destination chain
Question 4: Which cryptographic tool has been a part of the landscape since 1979 and is associated with storage proofs?
D. Merkle trees
Question 5: Which of the following best describes crosschain communication?
C. Sending messages between two different blockchains.
Click Cliam 30 Points
Become a Mintpad Discord member
Click Have the member role in mintpad Discord Server
- Click Accept Invite
- Go back to the Galxe and Click Claim 20 Points
Become a Mintpad Twitter follower
- Click Follow @mintpadco on Twitter Follow @mintpadco
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- Go back to the Galxe and ClickClaim 20 Points
Visit the NFT collection deployment guide
- Click Visit the quide on how to deploy an NFT collection on Taiko using Mintpad
- When Risk Warning appear,ClickContinue to Access
- View page
- Go back to the Galxe and ClickClaim 1 box
Explore Mintpad
Added Taiko Jolnir L2 testnet to FoxWallet
Search for Taiko in Networks and select Taiko Jolnir L2
Claim Sepolia ETH: https://sepoliafaucet.com/ (0.5 Sepolia ETH/day) We summarize lots of Faucet link:https://hc.foxwallet.com/zh/docs/tools
From Sepolia to Taiko Jolnir L2 test network:https://bridge.jolnir.taiko.xyz
Open mintpad,Email:https://app.mintpad.co/register
Upload collection
- Click Create collection
- Click Create
- Choose Taiko JoInir L2,and named
- Click Deploy smart contract(Make sure on Taiko JoInir L2 network)
- Click Create collection
Set and upload NFT
- Click Next step
- Click Download a demo collection
- Click’选择文件‘,Choose demo collection which downloaded last step
- Click Add to collection
- Click Next step
Mint phases
- Fill in mint time, price, etc.
- Click Update mint phases
Mint settings
- Fill Description
- Click Update mint settings
Watch, Read, and Mint on Taiko (Alpha-5 Jolnir) Galxe tutorial is over. We have published five tutorials on Taiko.
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Best wishes By Cecilia On 2023.10.17