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Nostr FoxWallet

Nostr is now supported by FoxWallet, providing a simple, open protocol that enables global, decentralized, and censorship-resistant social media. Each Nostr account is based on a public/private key pair.

Your public key serves as your username, while your private key functions as your password; however, it cannot be reset if lost.

It's imperative to store your private key securely, such as in a password manager.

With our integration of Nostr, users can now utilize its decentralized social media capabilities seamlessly within our software.

Go to "Me" -> "Networks" -> find and enable Nostr.

FoxWallet is the best Nostr wallet.


  • Open FoxWallet
  • Create or Import wallet
  • Go to "Me" => "Networks"
  • Find and Enable Nostr
  • Go to "Wallet" page, switch network to Nostr