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Cosmos Provider

FoxWallet employs the same protocol as Keplr. Currently, Cosmos network is only supported in the FoxWallet mobile app, with Chrome extension support coming soon.

Get Provider

function getProvider() {
const provider = window.foxwallet && window.foxwallet.cosmos;
if (!provider) {"");
throw `Please guide users to download from FoxWallet official website`;
return provider;


Get Key

getKey(chainId: string): Promise<{
// Name of the selected Wallet.
username: string;
algo: string;
pubKey: Uint8Array;
address: Uint8Array;
bech32Address: string;

await provider.getKey('coreum-mainnet-1')

Sign Amino

signAmino(chainId: string, signer: string, signDoc: StdSignDoc): Promise<AminoSignResponse>

Similar to CosmJS OfflineSigner's signAmino, FoxWallet's signAmino requires the chain ID as a required parameter. It signs the Amino-encoded StdSignDoc.

Sign Direct

signDirect(chainId:string, signer:string, signDoc: {
/** SignDoc bodyBytes */
bodyBytes?: Uint8Array | null;
/** SignDoc authInfoBytes */
authInfoBytes?: Uint8Array | null;
/** SignDoc chainId */
chainId?: string | null;
/** SignDoc accountNumber */
accountNumber?: Long | null;
}): Promise<DirectSignResponse>

Similar to CosmJS OfflineDirectSigner's signDirect, FoxWallet's signDirect requires the chain ID as a required parameter. It signs the Proto-encoded StdSignDoc.

Send Transaction

chainId: string,
tx: Uint8Array,
mode: BroadcastMode
): Promise<Uint8Array>;

To request broadcast a transaction, it'll return the transaction hash if the broadcast is successfully, otherwise it throws an error.

Sign Arbitrary

chainId: string,
signer: string,
data: string | Uint8Array
): Promise<StdSignature>;

This is an experimental implementation of ADR-36. The risk of using this feature is borne by you.

Supported Connectors


const offlineSigner = window.foxwallet.cosmos.getOfflineSigner(chainId);
// or use window.foxwallet.getOfflineSigner to obtain an OfflineSigner
// const offlineSigner = window.foxwallet.getOfflineSigner(chainId);

const accounts = await offlineSigner.getAccounts();

const cosmJS = new SigningCosmosClient(