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Qtum Provider

EVM Style Provider

FoxWallet uses the same protocol as Qnekt.


function getProvider() {
const provider = window.foxwallet && window.foxwallet.qtum;
if (!provider) {'');
throw `Please guide users to download from FoxWallet official website`
return provider;


get connected addresses

  • Returns: Promise returns string[] : connected addresses.
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let accounts = await provider.request({
    "method": "eth_accounts",
    "params": []
    } catch (e) {}
    > ['0xa77392123a1085f75e62eec7dea7e0e1e5142d5f']


get the coinbase address.

  • Returns: Promise returns string : coinbase address.
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let accounts = await provider.request({
    "method": "eth_coinbase",
    "params": []
    } catch (e) {}
    > '0xa77392123a1085f75e62eec7dea7e0e1e5142d5f'


the chain ID of the current network.

  • Returns: Promise returns string : coinbase address.
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let chainId = await provider.request({
    "method": "eth_chainId",
    "params": []
    } catch (e) {}
    > '0x1'

personal_sign / btc_personalSign

Presents a plain text signature challenge to the user and returns the signed response. Equivalent to eth_sign on some other wallets, and prepends a safe prefix to the signed message to prevent the challenge tricking users into signing a financial transaction. This method requires that the user has granted permission to interact with their account first, so make sure to call eth_requestAccounts (recommended) or wallet_requestPermissions first. btc_personalSign uses signHashBtc rather than signHash

  • Params:
    • challenge - string A hex-encoded UTF-8 string to present to the user.
    • address - string The address of the requested signing account.
  • Returns: Promise returns string : the signed data
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let response = await provider.request({
    "method": "personal_sign",
    "params": [
    "challenge": "0x506c65617365207369676e2074686973206d65737361676520746f20636f6e6669726d20796f7572206964656e746974792e",
    "address": "0x4B0897b0513FdBeEc7C469D9aF4fA6C0752aBea7"
    } catch (e) {}
    > '0x43d7215ebe96c09a5adac69fc76dea5647286b501954ea273e417cf65e6c80e1db4891826375a7de02467a3e01caf125f64c851a8e9ee9467fd6f7e83523b2115bed8e79d527a85e28a36807d79b85fc551b5c15c1ead2e43456c31f565219203db2aed86cb3601b33ec3b410836d4be7718c6148dc9ac82ecc0a04c5edecd8914'

personal_ecRecover / btc_ecRecover

//todo not in eth Presents a plain text signature challenge to the user and returns the signed response. Equivalent to eth_sign on some other wallets, and prepends a safe prefix to the signed message to prevent the challenge tricking users into signing a financial transaction. This method requires that the user has granted permission to interact with their account first, so make sure to call eth_requestAccounts (recommended) or wallet_requestPermissions first. btc_ecRecover uses recoverAddressBtc rather than recoverAddress

  • Params:
    • challenge - string A hex-encoded UTF-8 string to present to the user.
    • address - string The address of the requested signing account.
  • Returns: Promise returns string : the signed data
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let response = await provider.request({
    "method": "personal_sign",
    "params": [
    "challenge": "0x506c65617365207369676e2074686973206d65737361676520746f20636f6e6669726d20796f7572206964656e746974792e",
    "address": "0x4B0897b0513FdBeEc7C469D9aF4fA6C0752aBea7"
    } catch (e) {}
    > '0x43d7215ebe96c09a5adac69fc76dea5647286b501954ea273e417cf65e6c80e1db4891826375a7de02467a3e01caf125f64c851a8e9ee9467fd6f7e83523b2115bed8e79d527a85e28a36807d79b85fc551b5c15c1ead2e43456c31f565219203db2aed86cb3601b33ec3b410836d4be7718c6148dc9ac82ecc0a04c5edecd8914'

eth_signTypedData_v4 / btc_signTypedData_v4

Presents a data message for the user to sign in a structured and readable format and returns the signed response. Introduced by EIP-712. This method requires that the user has granted permission to interact with their account first, so make sure to call eth_requestAccounts (recommended) or wallet_requestPermissions first. btc_signTypedData_v4 uses signHashBtc rather than signHash

  • Params:
    • address - string The address of the requested signing account.
    • TypedData - obj data to sign
  • Returns: Promise returns string : the signed data
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let response = await provider.request({
    "method": "eth_signTypedData_v4",
    "params": [
    "types": {
    "EIP712Domain": [
    "name": "name",
    "type": "string"
    "name": "version",
    "type": "string"
    "name": "chainId",
    "type": "uint256"
    "name": "verifyingContract",
    "type": "address"
    "Person": [
    "name": "name",
    "type": "string"
    "name": "wallet",
    "type": "address"
    "Mail": [
    "name": "from",
    "type": "Person"
    "name": "to",
    "type": "Person"
    "name": "contents",
    "type": "string"
    "primaryType": "Mail",
    "domain": {
    "name": "Ether Mail",
    "version": "1",
    "chainId": 1,
    "verifyingContract": "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
    "message": {
    "from": {
    "name": "Cow",
    "wallet": "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"
    "to": {
    "name": "Bob",
    "wallet": "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"
    "contents": "Hello, Bob!"
    } catch (e) {}
    > '0x43d7215ebe96c09a5adac69fc76dea5647286b501954ea273e417cf65e6c80e1db4891826375a7de02467a3e01caf125f64c851a8e9ee9467fd6f7e83523b2115bed8e79d527a85e28a36807d79b85fc551b5c15c1ead2e43456c31f565219203db2aed86cb3601b33ec3b410836d4be7718c6148dc9ac82ecc0a04c5edecd8914'


Creates a new wallet confirmation to make an Ethereum transaction from the user's account. This method requires that the user has granted permission to interact with their account first, so make sure to call eth_requestAccounts (recommended) or wallet_requestPermissions first.

  • Params:
    • Transaction The transaction object to sign and send.
  • Returns: Promise returns string : the signed data
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let response = await provider.request({
    "method": "eth_sendTransaction",
    "params": [
    "to": "0x4B0897b0513FdBeEc7C469D9aF4fA6C0752aBea7",
    "from": "0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeefDEADbEEF",
    "gas": "0x76c0",
    "value": "0x8ac7230489e80000",
    "data": "0x",
    "gasPrice": "0x4a817c800"
    } catch (e) {}
    > '0x43d7215ebe96c09a5adac69fc76dea5647286b501954ea273e417cf65e6c80e1db4891826375a7de02467a3e01caf125f64c851a8e9ee9467fd6f7e83523b2115bed8e79d527a85e28a36807d79b85fc551b5c15c1ead2e43456c31f565219203db2aed86cb3601b33ec3b410836d4be7718c6148dc9ac82ecc0a04c5edecd8914'


Requests that the user provide an Ethereum address to be identified by. This method is specified by EIP-1102. Internally, this method calls wallet_requestPermissions for permission to call eth_accounts.

  • Returns: Promise returns string : the account address
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let response = await provider.request({
    "method": "eth_requestAccounts",
    "params": []
    } catch (e) {}
    > '0xa77392123a1085f75e62eec7dea7e0e1e5142d5f'


add specified token in FoxWallet. Returns a boolean indicating if the token was successfully added.

  • Returns: Promise returns boolean
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getProvider();
    let response = await provider.request({
    "method": "wallet_watchAsset",
    "params": {
    "type": "ERC20",
    "options": {
    "address": "0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155",
    "symbol": "FOO",
    "decimals": 18,
    "image": ""
    } catch (e) {}
    > true

Testing DApp

BTC Style Provider

FoxWallet uses the similar protocol as UniSat under window.foxwallet.qtum.btc


function getBTCProvider() {
const provider = window.foxwallet && window.foxwallet.qtum && window.foxwallet.qtum.btc;
if (!provider) {'');
throw `Please guide users to download from FoxWallet official website`
return provider;


Connect the current account

  • Returns: Promise returns string[] : Address of current account.
  • Example:
    try {
    const provider = getBTCProvider();
    let accounts = await provider.requestAccounts();
    console.log('connect success', accounts);
    } catch (e) {
    console.log('connect failed');
    > connect success ['tb1qrn7tvhdf6wnh790384ahj56u0xaa0kqgautnnz']


Get address of current account

  • Returns: Promise - string[] : Address of current account.


  • Get Network
  • Returns: Promise - string: the network. livenet and testnet


Switch to qtum mainnet or testnet

  • Params: network: string: livenet|testnet

  • Returns: Promise - string: the network. livenet and testnet

  • Example

    try {
    const provider = getBTCProvider();
    let network = await provider.switchNetwork("livenet");
    } catch (e) {


Get publicKey of current account.

  • Returns: Promise - string: empty string when not connected


Get BTC balance

  • Returns: Promise - Object:
    • confirmed - number : the confirmed satoshis
    • unconfirmed - number : the unconfirmed satoshis
    • total - number : the total satoshis


Send BTC

  • Params:
    • toAddress: string
    • satoshis: number
    • options?: Object
      • feeRate: number
  • Returns: Promise - string: txid
  • Example
    try {
    const provider = getBTCProvider();
    let txid = await provider.sendBitcoin("qQvET4q6ojnxpEmu9M4dLaQPZ4idaVSYGT",1000);
    } catch (e) {


List inscriptions of current account

  • Params:
    • page: number
    • size: number
  • Returns: Promise - Object:
    • inscriptions
      • inscription_id - string : the id of inscription.
      • inscription_number - number : the number of inscription.
      • address - string : the address of inscription.
      • output_value - number : the output value of inscription.
      • content_body - string : the content of inscription when it's string.
      • content_type - string : the content type of inscription.
      • satpoint - string : the txid and vout of current location
      • content_length - string : the content length of inscription.
      • offset - number : the offset of inscription.
    • pagination_info
      • page - number : current page in pagination
      • page_size: number : current page size in pagination
      • total: number : total items
      • total_page: number : total page in pagination


Send Inscription

  • Params:
    • toAddress: string
    • inscriptionId: string
    • options?: Object
      • feeRate: number
  • Returns: Promise - string: txid


sign message
note: "bip322-simple" is not implemented for now because it's not compatible with P2PKH type address

  • Params:
    • msg - string: a string to sign
    • type - string: (Optional) "ecdsa" | "bip322-simple". default is "ecdsa"
  • Returns: Promise - string: the signature.


Broadcast raw transaction


Traverse all inputs that match the current address to sign.

  • Params:
    • psbtHex - string: the hex string of psbt to sign
  • Retuns: Promise - string: the hex string of signed psbt


Sign Multiple PSBTs at once


Push transaction with signed psbt

  • Params:
    • psbtHex - string: the hex string of psbt to push
  • Returns: Promise - string: txid