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Transfer Between 0x and f1

FoxWallet is a decentralized, multi-chain wallet with full support for Filecoin. It integrates with the Filecoin Ethereum Virtual Machine (FEVM), allowing users to easily transfer FIL to and from f4 address without manual setup. This guide explains how to transfer FIL using FoxWallet.

FoxWallet uses Filecoin's built-in FilFowarder, a smart contract that lets users transfer FIL from an Ethereum-based f4 address to a Filecoin address of a different type. To use FoxWallet, you must set up and configure FoxWallet before beginning the transfer process, described below.

Setup and configuration

  1. Download FoxWallet.
  2. Open the FoxWallet application.
  3. For the purpose of this tutorial, select Create wallet to create a new wallet. Alternatively, select Import wallet to import an existing wallet.
  4. Accept the FoxWallet service agreement.
  5. Set password. You can also enable or disable biometric authentication, and enter an invite code.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. Taking note of the security warning, click View seed phrase.
  8. In the generated seed phrase, note the terms and the order in which they appear.
  9. Copy and store the backup seed phrase in a safe place. You will need it later in the setup process.
  10. Click Confirm backup.
  11. In the text box, enter the seed phrase by clicking each term in the order you noted in the previous step.
  12. Click Next.
  13. In "Me" — "Networks", you can find Filecoin and Filecoin EVM out there. The Filecoin network uses the f-style address, while Filecoin EVM uses the Ethereum-style 0x address.


  1. Go to the "Wallet" page. Choose Filecoin network.
  2. Click "Receive" to get your f-style address. FIL can be transferred to this address via exchange withdrawals, or other tools that support f1 address.
  3. Switch to the Filecoin EVM network. Click "Receive" to get your Ethereum-style 0x address, copy it.
  4. Back to the Filecoin network in FoxWallet. Click "Send" and paste your Ethereum-style 0x address in the blank. The corresponding f4 address will be displayed in FoxWallet.
  5. Input the amount of FIL you’d like to transfer and then click "Confirm", check out your account later.
  6. Reverse the steps 2,3,4 if you would like to transfer FIL from 0x(f4) to f1.

In fact, you can transfer with any type of address in FoxWallet directly

  • from f1 to f0

  • from f1 to f1

  • from f1 to f3

  • from f1 to f4

  • from f1 to 0x

  • from 0x to f0

  • from 0x to f1

  • from 0x to f3

  • from 0x to f4

  • from 0x to 0x